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[[3 column table]]
|When Received | Name and Rank of writer | Date and purport of Letter |

|1870,April 19th √11.| Putnam C.F. Miss * | Lottsburg, Va. April 9th 1870, Makes lengthy statements in reference to her school troubles and requests that $200.  be appropriated to secure title to school| building.

|1870 June 6th √12. | Pres:Conv: of Home Miss by W. F. Mitchell * for Secretary Forwarded June 6, 1870, to War Department, Bu: &c E.&M. Vol 1/7. fol: 16 ~ | New York, June 6, 1870 Adds the name of Mr W.F. Powell, omitted in Rental Account for the Quarter ending 31st March 1870.  Letter filed √ |

| 1870. July 5th √13.| Pres: Conv: of Home Miss:  * by W.F.Mitchell  Acting Secretary  Rental Account forwarded  July 6.1870. to War Dept. Bu: &c E.&.M. Vol 1/70 fol: 19  Letter √filed- | New York, July 1st 1870.| Enclose Schedule of Schools Together with Rental Account for the Quarter ending June 30 1870. |

| 1870. July 5th √14. | Prot. Episl Conv: of H. Miss: by W.E. Webb Cor: Secretary Rental Account forwarded July 6. 1870 to War Dept. Bu: &C E&M. Vol 1/70 fol: 19. Letter filed √ | New York, July 1st 1870. Enclose Schedule of Schools Together with Rental Account  for the Quarter ending June 30 1870.|

| 1870. July 6th √15. | Penn: Freed: Relief Asson: by Robt. R. Corson, * Cor Sec'y Forwarded July 13. 1870, to War Department, Bu: &c, E.&.M. Vol 1/70. fol:21.| |Philadelphia, Pa. July 4,1870  Enclose Schedule of Schools together with Rental Account for the Quarter ending June 30st 1870.|


[[3 columns]]
| When Received | Name and Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter.|

| 1870 July 8th √16. | Patterson J.R.  Teacher From War Department Bu: &c Received July 13 1870. to W.D. Bu: &c. E.&M Vol 1/70 fol 21. | Wytheville, Va. July 4th 1870. States that in 1869 by direction of Genl Henry Thomas he had a school house built at his own expense which cost him $125.00 which amount Genl Thomas said should be reimbursed. A subsequent addition cost him $30. Mr Manly admits the justice of his claim but for some reason refuses to pay him |

| 1870 July 18th √17. | Pres: Conv: of Missions for Freedmen by H.C.McClelland * Secretary. Forwarded July 20. 1870.  to War Department, Bu: &c E.&M. Vol 1/70. fol: 23. | Pittsburg, Pa. July 15. 1870. Forwards Schedule of schools together with rental account for the quarter ending June 30th 1870.|