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[[3 column table]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and purport of letter |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| 1870 January 21 √ 29. | War Department, Bu: &c by Jno. H. Cook, Chief Clk in absence of Genl Supt * L.S. 220. 1st Vol. 1870 √ Filed | Washington, D.C. January 29, 1870. Desires to be furnished with a list containing the name and Post Office address of each teacher reporting to Supt of Ed: Ste of Va, and to be notified of additions from month to month, or make corrections whenever there are changes. | 

| 1870 January 22d √ 30 | War Department, Bu: &c Office of Genl. Supt. of Ed; by Jno. H. Cook, Chf Clk * (See A.G. Vol 1/70.) (See L.S. 210. Vol 1/70) Received back Feby 10/70 and Filed. | Washington, D.C. July 21, 1870. Returns letter No. 141 (enclosing communication of Rev. E. P. Smith containing his interpretation of Circular letter of Aug. 14, 1869, and requests instructions as to words "Average No. of pupils in Ed: Form No. 5." and Thirty or more scholars" in the Circular Letter referred to, &c) and States: that the phrases "average No. pupils" and "average of thirty or more," are to be construed as meaning average daily attendance. If the enrollment in any school of thirty, but, in fact only an average attendance of seven or ten pupils, can be induced to attend it, the Commissioner would not deem it wise to expend the funds at his disposal in sustaining such a small school.  The only exception to this rule is found in Par. 4 Circular Letter Aug 14, 1869. |


[[3 column table]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and purport of letter |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| 1870 January 22d. ✓ 31. | War Department, Bu: &c by Geo. W. Balloch Chief D.O. * Filed. | Washington D.C. Jany 21, 1870. Encloses check No. 117, on U. S. Treasury, for $106.00 to pay sundry vouchers named within. | 

| 1870 January 24. 32. | War Department Bu: &c by John H. Cook Chf Clk, in absence of Gen Supt Ed. * ✓ | Washington D.C. Jany 21, 1870. Forwards 3 packages containing 90 copies of the "New Era," which the Commissioner desires to be distributed to teachers and others, to advance the educational work. |

| 1870. January 24th ✓ 33. | War Department, Bu: &c. by E. G. Manken, in charge, in absence Chief Q. M. * ✓ Filed. | Washington, D.C. January 22, 1870. Encloses form of Voucher and Transfer Deed, relative to the purchase of certain Hotel property in the city of Richmond, Va. |

| 1870 January 25. ✓ 34. | War Department, Bu: &c by Geo. W. Balloch * Filed. | Washington, D.C. Jany 24, 1870. Encloses check No. 126 on U. S. Treasury for $50.00 to pay vouchers named within. |

| 1870. January 25. 35 | War Department, Bu: &c by Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A.G. * ✓ Filed. | Washington, D.C. Jany 24, 1870. Returns letter No. 160. (requesting authority to rent from Maggie Lewis a house at Brentsville, Virginia, for school purposes, at $10.00 per month from 1st inst. Approved. |