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[[3 column table]]
| When received | Name and Rank of Writer | Date and purport of letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| 1870 February 21st √ 56. | War Department Bu: &c by J. W. Alvord Genl Supt * L.S. 375. 1st vol. 1870 √ Filed | Washington, D.C. February 18, 1870 States, the Commissioner directs that all buildings aided by the Bureau, and amount of aid to each, whether rental, construction or repairs, be indicated on enclosed Form No 6. also in regard to any and all buildings which have received aid, but which may have been dropped from return or never have been carried thereon. |

| 1870. February 23d √ 57 | War Department, Bu: &c by Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A.. Genl * L.S. 370 1st vol. 1870 See N. 66. Vol 1/70 √ Filed | Washington, D.C. February 21, 1870- Official copy of a letter addressed to Rev: E. P. Smith, Genl, Field Agent of the American Missionary Asson, stating that, by directions of the, Commissioner, the payment of the rental of Hampton √Normal and Collegiate Institute, authorized by endorsement of November 10/69, from that office, has been suspended until a proper transfer of the buildings, now the property of this Bureau, has been made. |

| 1870. February 25th. √ 58|  |War Department Bu: &c by  by J.M. Brown, Chief Q M. √ Filed * | Washington, D.C. February 24, 1870. Returns voucher to abstract L. property Accounts Bu: R.F. and A.L. for January 1870, approved, as requested. |

| 1870 Feby 25th √ 59 | Waring Oscar M. (L.S. 372. 1st Vol, 1870.) Filed. | Winchester, Va. Feby 22nd 1870 Wishes to be informed whether reports are regularly received from the within named schools. |

 | 1870. Feby 26th √ 60. | War Department Bu: &c by H. M. Whittlesey. A.A.A. Genl | Washington, D.C. Feby 25th 1870 Returns letter No 369. (requesting authority to rent for school purposes from S.C. √Armstrong at √Newport, Va a house at a cost of $10. per month, and pay rent of building |

[[3 column table]]
| When received | Name and Rank of Writer | Date and purport of letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

|   | √ Filed | to A H. √Jones, at Danville, Va 12.50/100 per month. Approved. |

1870. February 28th √ 61. | War Department, Bu: &c by Geo. W. Balloch Chief D.O. * √ Filed | Washington, D.C. February 26th, 1870. Encloses Check No 489, on 
U.S. Treasury for $561.26/100 to pay Sundry Vouchers named within. |

| 1870. March 1st √ 62. | Waugh James H. *| Upperville, Va. February 21st 1870. States that the people of that vicinity need a teacher and are anxious that he should remain with them, but although they furnish school house and board, yet they cannot pay salary, being poor, and requests aid in their behalf. |

| 1870. March 1st √ 63. | War Department, Bu: &c by Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl. *  √  Filed. | Washington, D.C. February 28. 1870. Returns letter No 365. (requesting authority to rent for school purposes from S.C. √Armstrong, certain houses at various points, names within.) Approved |

| 1870. March 21st √ 64 | War Department, Bu: &c by J.M. Brown, Chief Q M. * √ Filed | Washington, D.C. February 28th 1870. Acknowledges receipt of Property Account. Stores pertaining to the Bureau R F. and A.L. for the month of January, 1870.|

| 1870. March 21 √ 65. | War Department, Bu: &c by Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl * √ Filed | Washington, D.C. March 1st, 1870. Return letter no 374. (requesting permission to rent a house in Caroline√ County, Va. at $10. per month, from February 1st 1870. for school purposes. Approved. |