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[[ 3 Columned Table ]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of letter | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| 1870 Apl 2d [[checkmark]] 100. | War Department, Bu: &c by Geo. W. Balloch [[checkmark]] * Filed. | Washington, D.C. Apl 1st 1870. Encloses check No. 788 on U.S. Treasury for $32.92/100, to pay Sundry vouchers named within. - |
| 1870 Apl 5th [[checkmark]] 101. | War Department, Bu: &c by Geo. W. Balloch Chief D.O. Returned Apl 5/70. to W.D. Bu:&c E&M.Vol 1/70 fol 9. | Washington, D.C. Apl 4. 1870, Encloses letter of Thomas D. Adams, Complaining that he has been teaching school some six months and has only received $10.00. whereas he should have received $85.00. 
Wishes some information relative to the matter. - | 
| 1870 Apl 6th [[checkmark]] 102. | War Department, Bu: &c by S.A. Terry Agent * L.S. Vol 1/70. 597. [[checkmark]] Filed. | Washington, D.C. Apl 5. 1870. Returns two (2) vouchers of Saml Ruth. Amounting to $125, for correction. - 
The signature of the party signing these vouchers does not agree with the name of the party in whose favor they are made &c. - |
| 1870. Apr 6th [[checkmark]] 103. | War Department, Bu: &c. by Geo. W. Balloch Chief D.O. * [[checkmark]] Filed | Washington, D.C. April 5, 1870. Encloses check No. 808, on U.S. Treasury for $969.16/100. to pay sundry vouchers named within. |
| 1870 April 6th. [[checkmark]] 104. | War Department, Bu: &c. by Harry M. Whittlesey A.A.A.Genl Filed with voucher 3.Ab.D. Apl 1870 | Washington, D.C. April 5th 1870, Returns letter No. 581. (requesting authority to expend forty five ($45.00) dollars for purchase of materials to complete Freedmens School House at Chula Station, Amelia Co., Va.) with orders enclosed making the appropriation as requested. - |


[[ 3 Columned Table ]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of letter | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| 1870 Apl 9th [[checkmark]] 105. | War Department, Bu: &c by Geo. W. Balloch Chief D.O. * [[checkmark]] Filed. | Washington, D.C. Apl 8th 1870. Encloses check No. 804. on U.S. Treasurer for $19.50/100 to pay amount of vouchers forwarded on the 2nd instant, for transportation. |
| 1870. April 12th. [[checkmark]] 106. | War Department, Bu: &c by J.M. Brown, Chief D.O. * [[checkmark]] Filed. | Washington, D.C. March 29th 1870. Acknowledges receipt of Property Account "Stores pertaining to the Bureau R.F. and A. Lands for the month of February, 1870. | 
| 1870. Apl 13th [[checkmark]] 107. | War Department, Bu: &c. by Geo. W. Balloch Chief D.O. [[checkmark]] Filed * | Washington, D.C. April 12th 1870. Encloses check No. 866. on U.S. Treasury for $207.5/100, to pay sundry vouchers named within. |
| 1870. Apl 14th [[checkmark]] 108. | War Department, Bu: &c. by Geo. W. Balloch Chief D.O. * [[checkmark]] Filed. | Washington, D.C. April 13. 1870. Acknowledge receipt of communication of the 12th instant, respecting proceeds of sale of Buildings at Farmville, Va. And encloses blank receipts to fill in, Also a sample of Account Current. - |
| 1870. Apl 16th [[checkmark]] 109. | War Department, Bu:&c. by Geo. W. Balloch Chief D.O. * [[checkmark]] Filed | Washington, D.C. April 15. 1870. Encloses check No. 893 on U.S. Treasury for $214.30/100 to pay sundry vouchers named within. |
| 1870. Apl 18th [[checkmark]] 110. | War Department, Bu:&c. by Henry M. Whittlesey a.a.a.Genl * L.S. 690 Vol.2/70 | Washington, D.C. April 16th 1870 Returns letter No. 633, (Asking that the appointment of S.H. Jones, Asst Supt of this Bureau be cancelled, to date from 15th Apl & that he be appointed Asst. Supt of Ed. at $100 per month for time employed and that his expenses for travel and Subsistence be paid in the |