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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and purport of letter | 
| --- | --- | --- |

|   | Filed√ | usual manner with letter of revocation and appointment enclosed as requested. | 

| 1870. April 18th √111. | War Department, Bu: &c by J.M. Brown Chief Q.M. Returned Apl 27/70. War Dept. Bur &c. E.& M. Vol 1/70. fol: 13 Received back May 2/70 and √Filed. (See "W. 94" 141.) L.S. 729. 2 Vol. 1870 * | Washington, D.C. Apl 16th, 1870. Encloses transfer deed (in duplicate) of the buildings formerly Known as the "Union √Hotel," Richmond, Va, and now borne on the Property Return of Supt of Ed:  for Va, is respectfully to him with the request that he will cause it to be signed by the several trustees therein named and then forward it to the Commission when it will be signed by him and one copy returned to the Supt of Ed. Va. for delivery to the trustees. This paper to be returned with deed. | 

| 1870. Apl 19th √112. | War Department, Bu: &c by Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl. Forwarded April 23rd 1870 to War Department Bu: &c E&M Vol 1/70 Fol 13 | Washington, D.C. Apl 18th 1870 Return letter No 605 (asking authority to take down one brick bakery and one brick table, known as the "Dill √Bakery" situated in Richmond, Va, and to expend the material to aid in the erection of a High and Normal School building.) to know whether it would not be more advantageous for the Bureau to sell the within mentioned buildings and to devote the proceeds to educational purposes. |

| 1870. Apl 20 √113. | War Department, Bu: &c by Geo. W. Balloch Chief D.O. √Filed * L.S. 689 Vol 2/70 | Washington, D.C. Apl 19th 1870. Encloses check No. 906 on U.S. Treasury at Washington, for $5430 32/100 to pay sundry vouchers named within. |


| 1870 Apl 23d √114. | War Department, Bu: &c By Geo W. Balloch, Chief D.O. √Filed  * | Washington D.C. Apl 21st 1870 Encloses receipt for $218.15/100 received on account of Refugees and Freedmen Funds. |

| 1870 Apl 26th √115. | War Department Bu: &c by Henry M. Whittlesey, A.A.A. Genl.* √Filed | Washington D.C. Apl 25. 1870 Return letter No 693 (requesting authority to rent the following named places for school purposes, viz: 2 Rooms, Richmond, Va, at $15.00 each per month, from Apl 18th 1870). Approved. |

| 1870 Apl 26th √116. | War Department, Bu: &c by Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl. Filed with Vou 1 Ab: H, June 1870 } | Washington D.C. Apl 25th 1870.Special Order No 42 authorizing the tearing down of the buildings known as "Dills √Bakery" and expending the materials in the construction of the High and √Normal School building in the City of Richmond, Va. |

| 1870 Apl 27th √117 | War Department Bu: &c, by Geo: W. Balloch Chief D.O. √Filed. * | Washington D.C. April 26th 1870. Encloses check No 960. on U.S. Treasury for $12. 0/100, to pay sundry vouchers named within.  ~ |

| 1870 Apl 28th √118. | War Department, Bu: &c by J.W. Alvord Genl, Supt Schools * L.S. 717 2d Vol. 1870. √Filed. | Washington, D.C. April 27th 1870. Desires to be furnished to return mail, with the following information concerning the colored Normal√ and High School at Richmond, Viz: Date of the organization of the Institution. Number of teachers, pupils &c. &c. &c.

Transferred to "M" Page 145.