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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of letter | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| 1870. Apl 29th [[checkmark]] 119. | War Department, Bu:&c by E. Whittlesey a.a.a.Genl L.S. 720 2nd Vol, 1870. Ret'd May 2/70. to W.D. Bu:&c E.&M. Vol 1/70. fol:14. | Washington, D.C. April 27th 1870 Requests a copy of the Act of Incorporation and the last catalogue of "First Normal Institute" at Richmond, Va. |

| 1870. Apl 29th [[checkmark]] 120. | War Department, Bu:&c by Henry M. Whittlesey a.a.a.Genl. Filed with vou: 6. ab:D. May 1870 | Washington, D.C. April 29th, 1870 Returns letter No 713, (requesting authority to expend Sixty ($60) dollars in repairing School house at √Bristol-Goodson, Virginia) with orders enclosed making the appropriation as requested. - |

| 1870. Apl 30th [[checkmark]] 121. | War Department, Bu:&c by Henry M. Whittlesey a.a.a.Genl. Filed with vou. 2.ab: D. May 1870 | Washington, D.C. Apl 29th 1870. Returns letter No 714 (requesting authority to expend Two hundred ($200) Dollars to aid in constructing a schoolhouse at √Marion, Smythe County, Va.) with orders enclosed making the appropriation as requested. |

| 1870. Apl 30th [[checkmark]] 122. | Williams Lewis B. * L.S.728.769 2nd Vol. 1870. Filed (see W131. 1st/70) | Gordonsville, Va. April 28, 1870. Gives a description of the lot, as given in the deed to trustees on which school house at √Gordonsville stands. - |

| 1870. May 2d [[checkmark]] 123. | War Department, Bu:&c. by J.W. Alvord Genl; Supt; of Ed: * L. S. 749 2nd Vol. 1870. [[checkmark]] Filed. | Washington, D.C. Apl 30. 1870 Encloses Educational form No. 6 and states, the Commissioner expects all the facts under each heading. - If they are not in the office of the Supt of Ed. for Va, he will obtain them without fail, |