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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of writer | Date and Purport of letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| 1870. June 8th √ 156. | War Department, Bu: &C by J.W. Alvord Genl, Supt. of Ed: * LS. 1199. 2d Vol 1870 Filed | Washington, D.C. June 7, 1870. States that the closing report of the Bureau is to be made upon or before the 16th July. Requests that the last months statistics of the year be forwarded at the earliest moment after the 1st July. also a full narrative report with such facts and incidents as are at hand. &c, &c |

| 1870. June 10th  √157 | War Department Bureau &C by E. Whittlesey a.a.a. Genl * √filed | Washington, D.C. June 8th 1870. Return letter No 871 (requesting an appropriation of $800. to build the retaining walls at foot and side of lot on which the new Normal & High School stands, and to grade and fence the same.) and states that the appropriation fund can be used only for Construction, Rental and Repairs of School building. |

| 1870 June 13th √158.  | War Department. Bu: &c by Geo W. Balloch Chief D.O Filed √* | Washington. D. C. June 10. 1870.  Encloses check No 1352 on U.S. Treasurer for $586.88/100 to pay Sundry vouchers named within. - |

| 1870 June 14th 159√ | War Department, Bu: &C by Geo. W. Balloch Chief D.O. √Filed * | Washington, D.C. June 13. 1870.  Encloses check No 1362. on U.S. Treasurer for $1127.16/100 to pay sundry vouchers named within. | 

| 1870 June 14th - √160. | War Department, Bu: &C. by E. Whittlesey, A.A.A. General * √Filed | Washington, D.C. June 13. 1870. Return letter No. 900 (requesting authority to to rent two (2) rooms for school purposes at √Abingdon, Va. at $10. per month, each, from February 1st 1870.)  Approved, lease to terminate June 30. 1870.|


[[3 columns]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| 1870. June 16th √ 161. | War Department Bu. &c by E. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl. *  L.S 961 & 962 & 1185 2d Vol/70 (see No. 166, 190 1st Vol/70  Filed | Washington, D.C. June 15th 1870. Returns letter No. 902. (recommending that the property known as "Dills √Bakery" be given to Richmond √Educational Association on such terms that it may be rented out or sold by said Association and the proceeds of rental or sale be devoted to the purpose for which the Normal and High school is chartered) and states it is not believed that the Commissioner has authority to transfer the property named to any Institution. Mr Manly will therefore proceed to advertise in one authorized paper and sell it in accordance with the rules of the Bureau.  If hand bills are necessary the can be printed here at Mr. Manly's request.|

| 1870. June 17th √162| War Department Bu: &C. by E. Whittlesey A.A.A, Genl. Filed with voucher 41 abstract D. June 1870 [[strikethrough]] filed [[/strikethrough]]| Washington, D. C. June 16, 1870. Returns letter No. 904 (requesting authority to expend $45.00 in repairing school house at Hueguenot√, Powhatan County, Virginia) with orders enclosed making the appropriation as requested.|

| 1870 June 17th √163  War Department, Bu: &c by E. Whittlesey a.a.a.Genl  Filed with Voucher 8. Abstract D. June 1870. [[strikethrough Filed  [[/strikethrough]]| Washington, D. C. June 16, 1870 Return letter No. 905 (requesting authority to expend $40.00 in repairing School House at Manakin√ Goochland County, Va) with orders enclosed making the appropriation.|

Transcription Notes:
Mr. J. W. Alvord, General Superintendent of Education of the Freedmen's Bureau