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[[ 3 Columned Table ]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |

| 1870 June 20th √164 | War Department, Bu: &c by E. Whittlesey, A.A.A. General Filed with voucher 5. Abstract D: June 1870.[[strikethrough]] Filed. [[/strikethrough]] √ | Washington, D.C. June 18. 1870. Returns letter No 909. (requesting authority to expend $50. in repairing school house at Broad √Neck, Hanover County, Virginia,) with orders enclosed making the appropriation as requested. |

| 1870. June 23d √165. | War Department, Bu: &c by J.M. Brown, Chief Q.M. √ Filed * | Washington, D.C. June 20. 1870. Acknowledges receipt of Property Account "Stores pertaining to the Bu: R.F. and A. Lands, for the month of May, 1870 |

| 1870. June 23d √166. | War Department Bu: &c by E. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl. (see W 161. 1st vol 70) Filed. | Washington, D.C. June 21:1870. Returns letter No 962. (stating that in compliance with instructions the "Dill √Bakery at Richmond, Va. has been advertised for sale, and that enquiries have been made as to the form of Conveyance to be given by the Government. - Ask for instructions.) with the information that when the property referred to has been sold, a conveyance of the same in the form indicated by the enclosed blank deed will be executed by the Commissioner√. |

| 1870. June 23d √167. | War Department Bu: &c, by E. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl Filed with voucher C. Ab. D. June 1870 [[strikethrough]] Filed [[/strikethrough]] | Washington, D.C. June 22, 1870, Returns letter No 959 (requesting authority to expend $90.00 in completion of School House at Clover √Depot, Halifax Co: Va.) with order enclosed making the appropriation as requested |


[[ 3 Columned Table ]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |

| 1870. June 23d √168. | War Department, Bu: &c by Geo. M. Balloch Chief D.O. √Filed | Washington, D.C. June 22, 1870. Encloses check No 1411, on U.S. Treasury for $425.80/100 to pay Sundry vouchers named within.- |

| 1870. June 23d √169 | War Department, Bu: &c by E. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl * L.S. 982, 1st vol/70 Filed | Washington, D.C. June 22, 1870. Encloses a deed of School lot at Frying√ Pan, Dranesville, Fairfax Co, Va. with order authorizing the expenditure of $300.00 in constructing a School House at that place. |

| 1870 June 25th √170. | War Department, Bu: &c by E. Whittlesey, A.A.A. Genl *√ Filed | Washington, D.C. June 24, 1870. Return letter No 974. (requesting authority to expend $80.00 in painting School House (Merrill√)  in the City of Richmond, Va.) with order enclosed authorizing the expenditure of $80.00/" for repairs, as requested. |

| 1870 June 27th √171. | War Department, Bu: &c. by E. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl Filed with voucher 7 abstract D. June 1870.| Washington, D.C. June 20, 1870. Return letter No 978. (requesting authority to expend $50. in completing school house near Warsaw, Va.) with orders enclosed making the appropriation as requested. |

| 1870. June 27th √172. | War Department, Bur: &c by E. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl Copies of revocation of appointment forwarded to parties June 27th 1870. *√ Filed | Washington, D.C. June 25, 1870. Returns letter No 979 (Stating that the services of C.S. Schaeffer√ and S.H. Jones√, Asst DSupts of Ed: will not be required after June 30th 1870. also that services of Jas M. Wayt as clerk will not be required after July 10. 1870.) will letters of revocation enclosed as requested. |