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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received | Name and Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| 1870. June 29th ✓ 173. | War Department, Bu: &c by Geo: W. Balloch Chief D.O √Filed * | Washington, D.C. June 28th 1870. Encloses Check No 1504 on the U.S Treasurer for $507, 08/100 to pay sundry voucher named within. -|

| 1870. June 30th ✓ 174.| War Department, Bu: &c by Geo: W. Balloch Chief D.O Filed * | Washington, D.C. June 29. 1870 Encloses check No 1513 on U.S Treasurer for $240 0/100 to pay sundry voucher named within. - |

| 1870. July 2 ✓ 175. | War Department, Bu: &c by E. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl * L.S. 1191, 2d Vol/70. (see W. 186.) Filed | Washington, D.C June 30, 1870. States, the Commissioner directs that the Educational Department of this Bureau in Va. be closed on or before the 15th proximo.- Gives directions as to the disposition to be made of all school buildings and other property belonging to the Bureau, and born on the returns of the Dept of Ed: for Va. |

| 1870. July 7th ✓ 176. | War Department, Bu: &c by J. M. Brown, * Chief Q.M. Filed. L.S 1110, Vol 2/70 L.S. 1121. Vol 2/70 | Washington, D.C. July 6th 1870. Encloses Invoices and Receipts for Stationary, as per acquisition for the Quarter ending 30th June 1870.- (See "W. 182." Vol 1/70.) |

| 1870. July 8th ✓ 177. | War Department, Bu: &c by Geo: W. Balloch Chief D.O √Filed * | Washington, D.C. July 7th 1870. Encloses check No 1565. on U.S Treasury for $2041.46/100, to pay sundry voucher named within.- |

| 1870. July 9th ✓ 178. | War Department, Bu: &c by S. A. Terry Agent. * √Filed. | Washington, D. C. July 8. 1870. Encloses check No. 1569, on U. S. Treasury for $417.10/100, which with $118.90/100 overpaid yesterday, pays vouchers in favor of R. Maynard√ & Bro. for repairs on School Building at Richmond, Va. Amounting to $536.00 |

[[3 columned table]]
| When Received | Name and Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| 1870. July 9th ✓ 179. | War Department Bu: &c by Geo. W. Balloch Chief D.O. Returned July 9, 1870, to War Dept Bu: &c. E.&M. Vol 1/70. fol 20. | Washington, D.C July 8, 1870. Encloses check No 9736. on the Assistant Treasurer at New York for $60.00/100 to pay vouchers named within.- |

| 1870 July 9th ✓ 180.| War Department Bu: &c by Geo. W. Balloch Returned July 9. 1870, to War Dept. Bu: &c E. & W. Vol 1/70, fol. 20. | Washington, D.C. July 8, 1870. Returns for correction, vouchers of Joseph Hirshberg, amounting to $80.00 for services, &c. ~ |

| 1870 July 9th ✓ 181. | War Department Bu: &c. by J.M. Brown, Chief D.O. Returned July 9, 1870, to War Department Bu: &c. E & M. Vol 1/70, fol. 20. Received back July 12/70 & returned to War Dept. Bu: &c E. & M. Vol. 1/70 fol: 22. | Washington, D.C. July 8, 1870. Returns letter No. 1006. (requesting authority to turn over to the Richmond Educational Association, 38 school desks and chairs, 12 settees, 1 Teachers desk and 2 Teachers chairs, now used in the Normal School building of said Association, and to drop the same from his returns) for information whether the within mentioned school building is the one transferred to trustees by Special Orders No 45. Par 1, C.S. from the Office of the A.A.A Genl. |

| 1870, July 9th ✓ 182. | War Department Bu: &c. by J. M. Brown Chief Q.M. * (See "W" 176. Vol 1/70) Filed. | Washington, D.C. July 8, 1870. Returns letter No. 1110. (asking instructions as to what disposition shall be made of the Stationery Ordered for the Quarters supply, ending Septem. 30th, 1870 and now not required in the Office of the Supt. of Ed.) and states, the stationery referred to must be taken in the usual manner, and then transfer the same the same to Agt. E. M. √Webber on Invoices and Receipts. |

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