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N. H. Massie, Presd't. A.P. Abell, Vice Presd't. BC. Flannagan, Cashier.

Charlottesville National Bank.

Charlottesville, Va., June 1 1869

Rev. R. M. Manly
My Dear Sir
I have been prevented from giving earlier attention to the suggestions of yours of the 26th ulty by the absence of judge Rives  from the County.
We have been informed that three persons were mentioned a Trustee. Judge Rives , Prof Rogers of Philadelphia and myself, and the impression we received is that we were to have little else to do, than to hold the property, in trust, for the purposes of the school. I am the only member of the Board in town, and it was decided that I should act as Chairman, and attend to whatever business may devolve on us.
Very Respecy
A.P. Abell