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we have thirty or forty schools in one state, as is N.C.. In reporting to yourself it would be no troublesome matter & if you desire, I will give the monthly no. instead of quarterly.
I did not give the names of all the teachers because they often change from month to month. Mr. Murphy employs such assistants as he can find on the ground, both for Big Oak & Russell Grove, & he draws from our Treasury pay for them each month. Having the utmost confidence in him, and knowing he must have assistance in these large schools we have left it to him to employ them himself. While we pay the bill. 
I will request Mr. Murphy to report to you, this I supposed he always did.
For the last 3 mo. Mr. Murphy or his wife has been teaching "continuously;" he did not wish to have the name of Mrs. Murphy reported, therefore, as he has personally taught nearly all the quarter, and indeed the year, I think I can honestly report him, as I did.
Hoping these explanations may be satisfactory & do away with any doubts you may have as (over)