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Burkeville, Nottoway County, Va.
February 13 - 1869

Robert R. Corson Esq.
Cor. Sec. American Freedmen's Union Commission
No. 711 Sansom Street, Philadelphia,

Dear Sir:-

Yours of the 8th inst. was duly & gladly received, and I will now give you the information about my School as requested. - Since I first commenced my School in July '67 until Jan 1 '69, the Freedmen have paid me only a small amount averaging about $15. per month, being wholly inadequate to afford me a respectable and comfortable support; but by strict economy I have managed to get along. The first of the year, however, we determined to try & get some assistance from the Freedmen's Bureau - And for this purpose, a Meeting was held of all divisions of sustaining & continuing the School, at which, a committee was appointed who have to be responsible for the amount of ($10.) Ten Dollars per month to pay my board; and 103 scholars were enrolled. I agreed then to continue the school, they paying my board, & I was to look for