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further remuneration for my services to the Bureau or some Educational Society. No assistance, though, could be obtained from the Bureau, because I have since been teaching merely for my board with the hope, & trust in heaven, that I would receive some help from some other quarter. And under these unfavorable circumstances you may rest assured the Reception of your kind letter was quite cheering & encourageing, & I beg that your Hon Board will give me as liberal aid as possible.

I have now (75) seventy-five regular scholars, & as soon as it is known that the school will receive assistance from your Board, or some other Society, I could have one hundred & thirty (130) children & probably 150, and I have several scholars sufficiently advanced to assist me.-

I teach in Nottoway Church, which belongs to the Baptist Denomination. It is in the center of a strictly somber & quiet & orderly neighborhood, & is beautifully located and most admirably [[?]] for a school house. 

No fixed rent is paid, but the colored members, who largely predominate over the white members, are required to contribute towards the support of the church, besides