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[[?]] fit up my own wardrobe & relieve pressing necessities.-

But I fear my letter is growing long & will be wearisome to you to read, &, so will conclude. And hoping your Board will give [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] me & my school their favorable consideration, & that you will let me hear from you again at your earliest convenience, I have the honor to remain,

Yours Respectfully,
Henry B. Smyth.

P.S. I received on yesterday a package of Garden Seed from Messr [[Menpary?]], Hacker & Co, Philadelphia, No letter informing me who sent them, or instructing me what to do with them has reached me, but suppose they were sent me to be distributed among the Patrons of the school, which I shall do; & on behalf of the Freedmen, would return to the generous donors sincere thanks for their timely & very 
acceptable present-   


H.B. Smyth
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