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This writing entrusts that the undersigned John R. Thompson agrees and binds himself to erect on the lot of land near the [[?]], own by A. P. Abell and other Trustees, a building for school purposes of the following dimensions viz: Front 24 X 68 feet, 2 stories high, with a building attached in rear 18 X 33 feet, and ten stories high, in accordance with a plan in the hands of A. P. Abell, and a proposition with specifications filed with said Abell - the foundation to be of Brick - the entire building to be well plastered - with proper flues of brick and well protected fireplace - all complete and in a workmanlike manner - with the understanding that the said A P. Abell & other Trustees, shall pay to the said Thompson Eight hundred Dollars for the work - six hundred dollars to be paid when the roof is completed, and the balance, two hundred dollars, to be paid when the work is completed.
Witness the hands of the parties this second day of August 1869
John R. Thompson (seal)
A. P. Abell, Gen. B & T ama (seal)