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to said parties of the first part, to be appropriated as aforesaid, as follows, $150. to be paid to them on the completion of this agreement, to with, when the same shall be presented properly signed and acknowledged, and the remaining $50. on the completion and acceptance of the said school house by the said party of the second part.

Witness the following hands and seals this 10th day of August 1869.

(sgd) Joseph his x mark Rivers (seal)
(sgd) Claiborne his x mark Bailey (seal)
(sgd) R.M. Manly, Supt. Education. (seal)

(sgd) Joseph Arnold.
(sgd) C.S. Schaffer.

State of Virginia.
County of Loudoun, to with

Personally appeared before me, G. Housholder, a Justice of the Peace, in and for the said County and States, Joseph Rivers and Claiborne Bailey, who signed and acknowledged the within agreement after the same had been carefully explained to them, and I certify that they are competent and reliable persons, and that they are citizens of the said city and states.

Given under my hand and seal this 10th day of August 1869.~

(sgd) G. Housholder. J.P. (seal)
a true copy
Garrick Mallery
Brv't Col USA