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any house that may be erected thereon shall be jointly used to the general convenience as far as practicable of the beneficiaries as aforesaid mentioned.

It is the object and purpose of this trust to promote the best interests of the colored people in their liberated and free condition: - to extend to them the blessings of a religious education and a general instruction as far as possible in those things that will prepare them for their duties as citizens.

The said parties of the first part covenant that they will warrant generally the property hereby conveyed; that they have the right to convey the same to the grantees that the grantees shall have quiet possession of the same and that they will execute such further assurances of the said land as may be requisite. 

Witness the following signatures and seals
Lydia A Miller {Seal}
Frederick Miller {Seal}

W P Stockman
Thomas Johnson

The original deed, duly acknowledged, of which the above is a copy has been admitted to record in my office

Ch. P. Janney, Clerk     }
County Court of Londoun. }