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New Garden Russell Co Va., 
May 3rd 1869
Mr R.M. Manly Dear sir I recd your Letter bearing Date April 23rd/69. And was gratified to hear from you as Supt. Educational, & that you had recd my letter I had written to Genl. Thomas Concerning my school matters I have been expecting an answer before this time fearing some mistake might of taken place concerning my letter & School Reports, to Genl H.G. Thomas, the Reports, to Gen. Thomas respecting my school gives a full statement of the progression of my school, as concerning the school house agreeable to your Letter you seemingly do not understand the arrangement, what I had referenced to concerning the House viz. is this the Lot Amt of Land, 1 Acre & House, unfinished I in the first place I had the House built hughed logs 18 ft by 20 ft, one story high for the use of sd House 2 years the Land formerly belonged to Adam Wison I afterward purchased Acre, 1, of Land from sd. Wisor Including sd House on same for which myself & Isaac Craig give our responsibility for the Amt. Due Unto sd Adam Wisor which was $50. for sd House & Lot & have paid him $27 the rest is yet unpaid White I mean concerning House was this the money sent me for teaching I wished Genl Thomas to forward to me so out of my own earnings I could pay the Remained of sd Amt of Lot & House not expecting any aid from the Board the Amt Due me for teaching By the Educational Board is $45.00 which I would be thankful to receive as I am expecting a part of it to