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(ED. FORM No. 5.)
SCHEDULE OF SCHOOLS under the Co. on Freedmen in the State of Va, together with rental account for quarter ending  Sept. 30th, 1869

[[7 columned table]]

| Location of School - City, Town or County. | Name of Teacher | No. months employed in teaching. | Average No. Pupils | Rent of Schoolbuilding per mo. | Amount. | Remarks. |

| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Big Oak Sch, Amelia Co. | Mrs S. J. Neil | 3 | July 38. Aug. 58. Sept. 30 | 10 00 | 30 00 |   |

Total No. of Teachers 1. Total. $ 30.00

I certify that the above account is correct and just; and that the buildings for which rent is charged are not the property of the Government.
(Signed) A.C. McClelland
Per L.L.