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May 3th 1867

Richmond Va., 
In reply to your letter of April 23th inst. I now proceed to annul the deed of that land upon which the School house now sets. 
This contract entered into this First day of March 1868, between Alfred Meyer of the Count of Fauquier, State of Virginia, of the First part, and William Miles (colored), McAllister Craig (Colored) and Alfred Tyler (colored) of the County of Fauquier, State of Virginia of the second part, the last named parties constituting a board of trustees of a colored School located on the farm of the said party of the First part. 
Witnesseth - that for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty (50) cts per year, the party of the First part hereby agrees – Alfred Meyer – hereby agrees to rent to the party of the second part – William Miles, McAllister Craig, and Alfred Tyler or their successors in office that piece of land situated upon the farm