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[[stamp]] BUREAU R.F. & A.L. WASHINGTON.  REC'D JUL 16 1869 [[/stamp]]

given the ground as long as I am able to do and think no more than reasonable. I have contributed as much as any one for the benefit of removing building the house, and paid regularly the Tuition of my children and cannot afford to help bear all the expences of the School and received nothing for the portion of my ground the house occupy. Will you be pleased to give me some advice how am I to get pay for my portion of ground the house sits on. Whom shall I look to for pay, as those who use the house for School and Church refuses to pay me any thing on the ground that the house is government property and they has a right to the use of my ground free of charge this I do not credit and submit the whole matter to you 

hoping you will give it that attention the case merits at your earliest convenients

Yours Truly

Walter G. Jones