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Lynchburg Va
April 22nd 1869

Gen O Brown,
Asst Commissioner
Richmond, Va


We the undersigned trustees respectfully represent that we in behalf of the colored people of Lynchburg desire to secure possession of one of the Government barracks of this place, in order to remove it to grounds of our own, and to re-erect the same for permanent school purposes, The building we desire is about one hundred and fifty feet long by twenty-two ft broad and will when removed make us a good school house. We have no school house here excepting those rented for us by the Government. We have leased grounds on which to erect a building from Rev. Sampson White, pastor of Colored Baptist Church in a desirable and convenient portion of the City, and though our people are oppressed by debt through inability to obtain work, yet we trust we may through this house if it be granted to us, be enabled to secure ourselves as a beginning, one of the buildings requisite to educate the children of our City.