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They have entered on the roll for the coming school term 60 Scholars, and more than that number will be gathered into the Sabbath School. I propose recommending this School to the friend, asst. of Philada for their co.operation. At Blacksburg, Montgomery County, a school continues in successful operation, taught by the Rev. John Derrick "Cold" numbering about 50 scholars in the day school and 60 in the Sabbath School. The Lot and Building does not belong to the "Cold" people, but seemed to them, for the time being free of charge. They had only a short vacation during the summer. There are two other Smaller Schools in Montgomery County, under the superintendency of M. Derrick from which I have been unable recently to obtain reports. Both are beyond Blacksburg; one on or near New River (at one of the Ferrys) The building and lot owned by the Freedmen. The two schools together had an averaged attendance of 50 Scholars in the day School, and about the same number in the Sabbath School. Mr. Derrick proposes to steer clear of the white race, and asks no favors and grants none. I am therefore only able to gather my information relative to his Schools, from other sources. He is Connected with what is called the Bethel Church.
At Auburn, Montgomery County, the freed-people are negotiating for a Lot, on which to build a School House. Should they Succeed in making the purchase, they will need some assistance, in Securing material for building purposes. A large day and Sabbath School can be gathered as that point, I presume from 50 to 60 scholars in the day school.