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1090 feet Lumber                                $19.90
15 lbs nails                                      1.12
24 window lights                                  2.50
Putty                                              .50
Bill of work                                     26.00
                                  Total         $50.02

If they were allowded $15. per month rent, they could in a short time pay this amount in full- and decrease the main debt by collections. Their Sunday school numbers 60 Scholars.
Another School at this place (No. 2) is expected shortly to re-open, taught by the Rev. J.W. Diggs "Cold", in the "Bethel" African Church. Number enrolled 25 Pupils- Sunday School numbers 50 Scholars. The School at Green Ridge, Roanoke County, has been reduced in numbers and interest, by exchanging their teacher recently, for one who is incapable of conducting the school. This name is Felix Smith, and will probably forward report on the 25th inst. I hope at an early day to re-organize this School, and obtain for it the united co-operation of the people. They own the School House and lot. Size about 18 X 20 feet. Sunday School members from forty to fifty Scholars.
The School at Big Lick, Roanoke County, has recently entered their new School House- size 20 X 30 feet. Lot and building owned by the Freedmen, with a debt of about $50. upon it. They also need Lumber to elicit, in order to make it comfortable for winter. Their teacher Sandy Boston "Cold" has successfully carried on a good School at this place.

Phil Friends