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In Scott County, a school could be collected of 30 Scholars at the county seat- and perhaps the same number in the county towns of Grasons and Carroll and southern portion of Alleghany.
In Lee, Wise, Buchanon, Bland, and Craig, the freed people are scattered throughout the county, and do not live near enough to each other, to secure for them School advantages. In conclusion, I would recommend the earliest possible action, in securing to destitute and needy localities, whatever assistance can be afforded them. I have endeavored to make a faithful statement of their necessities and wants, weighed between the evidence of white and colored, and by personal, careful inquiry, and investigation during a hasty tour of inspection, through this section of Virginia.
I am Very Respectfully
Your Ob't Servant
C S Schaeffer
Asst. Supt. of Schools.