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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Washington, D.C., May 7th, 1869.

R. M. Manly Esq.
Supt. of Education State of Va
Richmond Va.

In order that there may be some regularity in my vouchers for rents, services &c. I have filled out for your future guidance a form for rent of office, your own and clerks services.
Before forwarding these to me for payment, you will please certify to the correctness of the same, with the exception of your own voucher which will be certified to  at these Head Qrs., and have each receipted by the party in whose favor the voucher is drawn, filing in only the amount in the receipt leaving the dates blank.
In making out voucher for constructing or repairing School Houses, after writing in, "for services rendered", or