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Bureau R. F. And A. L. 
Office Superintendent of Education, Virginia,
Richmond, Va., July 8th 1869. 
Bvt: Major Gen'l. O.O. Howard U.S.A 
I have the honor to request that Mr. C.S. Schaeffer of Christiansberg may be appointed Asst. Supt of Schools for South Western, Virginia, with pay at the rate of $100 per month, for the time actually employed in executing specific orders from this office, and that his expenses for travel and subsistence, while thus on duty, be paid by the Bureau in the usual manner. 
Mr. Schaeffer’s qualifications for this service are of the first order, and his employment, for a portion of the time (which is all I shall require) in that remote section of the State, will accomplish what cannot otherwise be done, and be an economy both of time and money. 

I am, General
Very respectfully
Your obt. Servant
R.M. Manly
Supt. of Ed.