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(Ed. Form, No. 5.)

SCHEDULE OF SCHOOLS under the N.Y. Branch A.F.U.C. in State of Virginia, together with

rental account for the Quarter ending Dec. 31st, 1869

[[7 Columned Table]]
| Location of School--City, Town or County. | Name of Teacher | No. months employed in teaching. | Average No. Pupils. - Oct. Nov. Dec. | Rent of School-Building per mo. | Amount. | Remarks. |

| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Alexandria | Miss M.E. Stratton | Three | 33 1/3 - 34 34 32  | } |   | } Transferred Jan. 1st 1870 to the Penn. Branch A.F.U.C. |
| Alexandria | Miss E.D. Leonard |Three | 31 2/3 - 30 34 31 ✓ | } 40 00 | 120 00 | } Transferred Jan. 1st 1870 to the Penn. Branch A.F.U.C. |
| Alexandria | Miss F.A. Morgan | Three | 39 1/3 - 41 37 40  | } |   | } Transferred Jan. 1st 1870 to the Penn. Branch A.F.U.C. |

| Richmond | Miss A.B. Hancock | Three | 27 - 26 28 27 ✓ | 12 00 |36 00 | Tran. Jan. 1St 1870 to the N. E. Branch A.F.U.C. |
| Richmond | Miss M.E. Perkins | Two & three fourths | 45 2/3 - 48 46 43 ✓ | 10 00 |27 50| }to the N. E. Branch A.F.U.C. |
| Richmond | Miss H.L.S. Harris | Three | 49 2/3 - 48  52 49 | 15 00| 45 00|   |
| Richmond | Miss K. Gilmore| Three | 74 - 79 -70 | 8 00| 24 00|   |

King Wm. C.H.| A.R. Johnson | Three | 30 2/3 - 44 28 30 ✓ | 10 00| 30 00|}Trans. Jan. 1st 1870 to N. E. Branch A.F.U.C. |
Cherry Lane| Miss M.C. Anderson | Three | 26 - 15 33 39 ✓ | 12 00| 36 00 | } Trans. Jan. 1st 1870 to N. E. Branch A.F.U.C. |
West Point | Miss O. Kelly | Two & a half | 21 1/3 - 44  24  25 | 10 00 | 25 00|} Trans. Jan. 1st 1870 to N. E. Branch A.F.U.C. |

Tunstall's  N. Kent Co. Va | G.M. Jennings | Two | 25 - 0 22 28 |8 00 | 16 00|   |
Eltham  N. Kent Co. Va | J.H. Williams | Two | 16 1/2 - 0 17 16 | 10 00 | 20 00| Resigned Dec. 31st 1869 |

Mangolick | Mrs. A.E. Alston | Three | 29 1/3 - 30 30 28 | 12 00 | 36 00 | } Trans. Jan. 1st 1870 to N.E. Branch A.F.U.C. |
Bedford Co. (Emaus P.O.) | J.E. Lazenby | Two | 12 1/2 - 0 8 17 ✓ | 7 00| 14 00|} Trans. Jan 1st 1870 to N.E. Branch A.F.U.C. |

Abingdon| Mrs. C.M. Williams | Two | 27 - 30 53 [[blank]]} | 20 00 | 50 00| Resigned Dec. 15th 1869 | 
Abingdon | Miss K. Cummings | Two & a half | } 27 - 0 [[blank]]  55 } | . |   |
Marion| Mrs. C.V. Usher| One | 20 - 0 16 20 ✓ | 18 20 | 18 00 | Trans. Jan 1st to N.E. Br. A.F.U.C. |
Brunswick Co. (Charlie Hope P.O.) | E.B. Jones | Three | 30 - 30 30 30|   |   |
Buckingham Co. (Glenmore P.O.)| E. Lomax | Three | 18 2/3 - 15 18 20 | . |   |

Total No. of Teachers, 19| 49 3/4| 509-589-600| Total, $497.50
I CERTIFY that the above account is correct and just; and that the buildings for which rent is charged are not the property of the Government.
497.50 Josephine Shaw Lowell

Transcription Notes:
Ms. Lowell subdivided the "Average No. of Pupils" column into three months (Oct, Nov, Dec), then calculated the average number of students over the three months - hence the extra numbers in that column. Sometimes her math appears to be off...