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Rev. E. N. KIRK, D.D., President. 
WM. E WHITING, Ass't Treasurer
Rev. EDW. P. SMITH. [[Strikethrough]] Gen'l Field Agent. [[/strikethrough]] Field Secretary 
Rev. M. E. STRIEBY, 
Rev. G. D. PIKE Dist. Sec'ty. 

American Missionary Association, [[strikethrough]] NO. 53 JOHN STREET, [[/strikethrough]] 
No. 59 Reade Street 

New York, 24 June. [[strikethrough]]1869[[/strikethrough]] 70.
Col. R. M. Manly 
Supt. Ed. Bu. R.F. and A.L. 
Richmond Va. 

Enclosed herewith please find Rental Account of Schools under the American Missionary Association in Virginia for the Quarter ending June 30th 1870.
I forward it at this early date on account of the probable closing up of the Bureau July 1st I have therefore been obliged to estimate the average attendance of pupils at New Market and Lottsburg for the month of May as the reports for those schools have not yet been received.