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State of Massachusetts
County of Hampden
City of Springfield

I William S. Green, Notary Public, appointed by the Governor of said State for said county of Hampden, do certify that Laura W. Stebbins whose name is signed to the writing above bearing date Jan 31st A.D. 1870 has acknowledged the same before me in my state aforesaid
Given under my hand and seal of office this thirty first day of January A.D.  1870
{Notarial Seal}
W.S. Greene
Notary Public

Clerks Office Northumberland County Court
February 5th 1870
This deed of Bargain Sale from Laura W Stebbins to F.E. Dow Et'al Trustees was this day presented to me in my office and admitted to record.  I hereby certify that U.S. Revenue stamps to the value of fifty cents have been affixed to this deed and duly cancelled according to law.
F.E. Dow cc
A copy
F E. Dow cc 

Transcription Notes:
The second section (beginning "Clerks Office Northumberland County Court") is at the bottom of the page, and upside down.