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[educa]tional influence in itself, encouraging letter writing of our pupils &c - besides the great solace and convenience to ourselves, who get the larger part of the letters & papers that stop here)
2nd - I wish to distribute the needed clothing to our pupils there - they are too poor to furnish us the necessaries of life, which we are only able to get in this way.
3. - Please to forbid the building of a high, old-fashioned pulpit, which will awkwardly disfigure the room beside costing us our black-board wall.
This 'Church' people propose to do this summer - and to which no doubt the Home Mission Agent advises.

I beg your pardon if these details are too trivial for reference to your notice.
I know your mighty cares, and overwhelming responsibilities, and bless you for all your noble services to this great Cause of Humanity & of God, and will so teach my pupils to do. With grateful respect,
Caroline N. Putnam