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Freedmens Commission (Penna. Branch) but made arrangements prior to leaving there, to have it re-opened at once, under the charge of Payton Warrenton "Col'd". At Buchanan found a good school, and the people awake in the matter of education. Mr Burton the Teacher is doing a good work, and the school is in a prosperous condition. There has been necessary delay in securing larger and better accommodations with the funds raised by the Freed people and that appropriated by the Bureau. This has met with my approval in view of what they hope to accomplish, and the advantages to be gained. The examination of the School was quite satisfactory and gave credit to their Teacher, as a persevering, untiring and zealous laborer in this work.  A small school at Brooksville and another about six miles south east of Fincastle I found it impossible to visit during this trip. I understand they were under the control of Mr Yoder, and if so I presume you have received their reports. The school at Cloverdale I found in a less favorable condition by reason of certain immoral changes against their Teacher, but I could not get any positive information. The matter is being investigated. Spent part of the day with the school, and found the scholars steadily advancing in their studies. Only a small part of the improvements have been made on their building, owing to the absence of their Contractor, who was called from his home on important business, and I understand has just returned. Also the difficulty at that point, to obtain seasoned lumber. It is anticipated that the work will be finished up without further delay. The Friends Association also have in view as soon as possible, to furnish another Teacher, to take charge of this interest. The House at Bonsacks will  soon be ready.