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At Green Ridge, Roanoke Co., the Teacher, Felix Smith "Col'd" was found to be doing the best he could, with his limited education, and ready at any time to give up to a more competent Teacher. I spent some time with them giving instruction-and held an educational meeting with the parents and friends of the Scholars. They have a comfortable house, well seated-but no black board or Desks. The Big Lick School, next visited, claimed particular attention, by reason of our withdrawal of their Teacher, in order to send him to secure the advantages, as a Scholar at the Friends normal class, in Danville, Va. After a thorough examination of the School, I selected from their number two of the most advanced Scholars to take charge of the school (on the 1st day of February) and until a Teacher could be secured. (I understand by instructions from M.E. Sherman, that a Teacher is now on the way, to report for duty at Big Lick.) At Salem, we met with trouble as usual. A week prior, Miss Allen finding she was to be removed as Principal and assigned to duty as an assistant in one of the Association's Schools at another place, rebelled against their action-and after scattering the Library and carrying away the school books and other material-and leaving matters in a bad condition, where she had been teaching, went over to Mr. Diggs and opened a school in connection with him, his people promising her a support.
Miss Bowen (her assistant) finding Miss Allen had left, took charge of what remained of the school until I arrived January 20th, providentially, Miss Thompson arrived on the same train-and during the day the school was re-organized with thirty five scholars, with Miss Thompson (only) as their Teacher. During the day I tried to obtain an explanation from Miss Allen, but she would not either meet me at the School House, or correspond with me.