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Office of John S. Slater,
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law and Solicitor in Chancery,
Marion, Va, May 24th 1870

R.M. Manley. Esq.
Supt. Education for Freedmen.

Dear Sir — Fountain Richardson a colored teacher formerly employed in Russell Co. but now in Smyth informs me that he has received no pay for five month and that he is desirous of securing that which is now due him.
In Russell he received $15. per month in this county he has some 35 scholars on an average and thinks he should have $20 per month.
He also says there is some difficulty about getting his mail where he now is and has requested me to address you and learn what steps are necessary for him to take to procure his pay.
Please let me hear from you in reference to the matter at your earliest convenience.

Respy &c   Jno. S. Slater, Marion Va.