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War Department, 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Office General Superintendent Education,
Washington, April 27th, 1870.

Dear Sir:
Please furnish me by return mail the following information concerning the Colored Normal and High school of Richmond - 
1st Date of organization of the Institution.
2nd Number of teachers.
3rd Number of pupils.
4th How is it sustained.
5th The character of the buildings which it occupies and by whom owned.  
6th Is the institution incorporated.

And oblige,
Yours, etc.
Very respectfully,
J.W. Alvord
Genl Supt Schools

Rev R.M. Manly,
Richmond, Va

Transcription Notes:
replaced ditto marks with text I cannot read the signature. Could it be J.W. or J.M.? And the last name could end with a 'd', perhaps 'ord', 'ond' or 'oud'? It's not Almond, is it? NOTE: Sometimes when you can't read the names, toggle back and see what the secretary has written... sometimes his/her writing is better. It's J.W. ALVORD.