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we didn't see much of them. We spent the evening with our convention-exchanger, Paul, having a good time, mostly in English.
Saturday morning we will head for Germany to buy a few more things we need. Stores in Karlsruhe close by 2, so we will get back early.
Oh, would you please send us Lois Sproull's address?
Another chou croute on cooking today. It smells very good for about 3 hours, is composed of sauerkraut topped by potatoes, sausage, lard strips (removed) and lean pork, all cooked in white wine.  It is quite economical and I hope you can eat it!
I started to have a cold yesterday, but by staying diligently in bed I drove it away. We have not either of us been sick since Strasbourg, then we both were in England-- a virus, no doubt-- and also again in Paris; there are different ones in different places.
It is getting time to hurry to class this Friday afternoon. We received your letter, with all its interesting news, and had better post this at once-
Doris & Jack