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14, rue du General Ducuot
Strasbourg, France
November 26, 1960
Dear Mother,
At the present it doesn't look as though we could make a trip to Paris on Dec. 17. there is no long week end that we know of. So we had better not plan on it now. As for the day, Saturday or Sunday would be equally suitable for you to arrive. We won't be taking many long trips in the winter, at least not by car.
We finally mailed off the gifts to the Chicago people after twice going to the post office: package must weigh less than 2 pounds. We are by no means finished with Christmas cards but are well begun. We are trying to write to Mrs. Horten in French, which has slowed us down a bit.
All sorts of things are cooking on the French front. I put up a notice offering to exchange conversations with French students and to date 4 have arrived at our door; two came just a minute ago. Our most serious one is a boy of 19 who speaks English already very well and is very serious and