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time it took a couple of months to build up much momentum.

This weekend we will stay here and try to finish up Christmas business, although if the weather by any chance happens to be good we will go out a bit. There's also slide mounting, which has just begun. Our friend in Switzerland has made (developed & printed) his impression of the county in black-and-white which were very impressive to us, & we'll start that later. There are so many curious sights, especially of people & their actions, for which black-and-white photography is suitable.

There isn't much more to say these days. We'll be looking forward to your visit-

Doris & Jack

P.S. - short note on travel- from Paris to Strasbourg is about 300 mi. on ordinary roads, and takes a full day of driving- thus it is not a pleasant journey for me to make on a 2-day weekend. If I can get some extra days we would like to do it - we do want to see Paris again, as well as get you- but right now I don't think that will be possible

From here to Munich, however, is something over 200 miles on the Autobahn, so regardless of days off, vocations, and so on we can take you there, and perhaps visit you on weekends. 
