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turn out to be convenient, here are the trains from Paris & The rapides take only first-class passengers, the expresses both first & second class.  First class is .12 francs per kilometer (- [[strikethrough]] .12 [[/strikethrough]] $12), second class is .08 francs per kilometer (- [[strikethrough]] .08 [[/strikethrough]] $8).

3 column table

[[margin]] [[arrow pointing to first line of table]] doesn't go Sunday
You can see the differences. There are minor differences, such as couchettes, etc. as well. [[/margin]]

This week end we will stay home & make Christmas preparations also. It may be harder to get cards here, as the French don't go in for them so much.

We attended a concert Wednesday night. It is part of the subscription series and the house was packed. Our seats cost 70ยข each. The hall is small and you hear well.

I have begun a series of translations from Russian into English for the Centre (Garodetzky asked me to, for what reasons I don't know), having done a short article this morning. All the physicists read English, since most texts and most journals these days are in English. I will get paid.