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14, Rue du Général Ducrot
Strasbourg, France
November 10, 1960

Dear Mother,

We are again on the eve of departure. The coming holiday weekend we leave for Switzerland. We will journey to Freiburg tomorrow, where another member of Frauenfelder's old group is working, see him Friday night (he knows we are coming, has replied). Then Berne, some mountains, & home on Sunday. We always go with the rest of the mobs and altho' the traffic is a little mad it is not too bad. It is better in France than in Germany & we will stay there this time. last time the VW's were almost too much for us. But holiday traffic is by no means as thick as in the U.S. This may be our last chance to drive in Switzerland before cold weather. The Schwartzwald pass there which we went en route to the Bodensee before was pretty chilly.

I am glad that you had an uneventful plane trip with a sunrise, & hope that you have caught up on sleep finally and continue to find the hotel comfortable. And get your coat. You can (or did) probably find one at least as cheaply as here. I could have paid $40 or $50 but decided to save more on a more expensive coat.