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Last weekend we stayed home. Monday night my student came. Tuesday night we went to a piano concert. Wednesday night the "English Club" had a supper & ball; we attended the first of these, meeting a number of French students (about equal numbers of both). Tonight, preparation for trip after a late supper; Jack came to the 19th literature class with me at 6:00. The teacher is good, and amusing.

I have taken the habit of buying not only bread but also vegetables every day (en route to class). Tonight we picked up the most beautiful Brussels sprouts & ate them at once. Things like cheese, butter & meat as well as coffee I can buy much cheaper down town, tho' you have to add the transportation. In any case there is more choice.

We went to a very good French movie Sunday night "Le Passage du Rhin", a war picture. The theatre is very modern and was filled, every seat, some time before the performance. 40ยข each. Incidentally your letter left the Strasbourg mailbox at 9 a.m. Monday, so you can see the speed. This will be mailed on Friday a.m.

We set the alarm for 3 a.m. on Wednesday and received the first news on Voice of America. Not until 3:00 p.m. of the same