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14, Rue du Général Ducrot
Strasbourg, France
November 5, 1960

Dear Mother,
Today is the day before your big trip. I hope that it was pleasant and that you saw the sunrise at least.

From my observation clothing is very plentiful in London, and in the wool line, cheap. I am sure you will have no trouble finding plenty to choose from. Some sweaters & skirts originate in Italy, which is where I will buy some one day. Food is perhaps better than it was but not so good, generally. For a change, try one of the inexpensive Indian restaurants; we had one excellent meal there, 1/2 a portion apiece, of a not-too-hot curry dish.

This is a Saturday a.m. when Jack is not home from work. He doesn't work every Saturday a.m. but can.

Here green beans, lettuce, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, radishes, beets, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] carrots, and brussels sprouts are still plentiful and good in the vegetable line. Local apples & pears abound, oranges are plentiful. I buy fruit, vegetables, milk and bread every couple of days from the stores en route to the University; on one day we, later I, shop for staples, meat, cheese & butter. I am very fond of the Edam cheese, which is mild & cheap; Jack prefers the Swiss. There are many many other kinds available. There