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back of the garbage truck and are quickly emptied into it. No mess, no scraps flying. They take ashes, garbage cans, paper all at once. You see few bottles around because most have a value and are returned to the store. In Paris Barbara showed us returnable jam jars, but I haven't seen any of those here. But there are no beer cans to litter the landscape.

We are staying home this week end, perhaps attending a movie. Movies in Paris were quite expensive (we didn't go) but they are much cheaper here-- about 60 cent for good seats. We ate a meal out last night but that was the first time (aside from our trips) since we moved in.

I am making rice pudding by a French recipe, adding however some of the fine white raisins locally available. I spend a lot of time cooking these days; a lot of time washing; a lot of shopping. If I begin to earn a regular salary translating (Goredetzky promised this) I'll have to cut down some on the quality; until then making meals will be a leisurely occupation.

Well, let us hear about your trip-
