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Reckoning in heat and utilities, it will cost about $75 a month, which is quite a reasonable price here.  Barbara's one-room apartment in Paris rented for $100.

It is completely furnished including silverware, pots & pans, dishes, brooms, an iron and a vacuum cleaner. It is heated by a small coke iron furnace in the kitchen which heats water for the radiators, which are in every room; and the water heater is gas as well as the stove. There is very little for us to add as you can tell!

Jack works in a brand-new lab which is located in some fields on the other side of town, so he will drive (about 10 minutes) to work. We are living near the University & will probably take evening classes in the language (Jack is seeing about it now). I am also hoping to give English lessons if possible, am putting an ad in the Sunday paper. 

The institute will give Jack an advance so that we need not use up all of our traveller's cheques. We have only to eat out, which costs about $6 a day. 

I am very busy learning cooking language currently--purchased a pocket cook book and am reading it from cover to cover. Since there is much to admire in French cooking (if you don't eat the richest dishes all the time) I will be cooking a great many new ones soon. I like the vegetable soups, the methods of cooking fish, of preparing new vegetables, [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] crèmes and mousses, as well as the richer meat dishes and cooked vegetable. Last night I enjoyed an artichoke in a restaurant (dip in liquid batter)very much. The green beans, just now going out of season, are very fine. 

Our drive to Strasbourg was very easy. Perhaps because it was not a weekend the [[strikethrough]] street [[/strikethrough]] road was not at all frequented. It was 3-lane almost all the way with a good surface, about 300 miles. It was a little harder in Paris traffic, trucks (delivery) being the worst offenders. Here traffic of course is not bad. I haven't driven as yet. 

The car is very satisfactory.