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central par étage", meaning, we have a tiny cake furnace with attached hot water radiator system, which we must fire at various hours of the night or day. 

Jack began work Monday & I have been trying to get used to everything at once, which is of course tiring! We are staying at one of the best if not the best hotel in town (thanks to the Institute, you bet!), where every time you desarye the bed [[strikethrough]] or approve some [[/strikethrough]] the femme à ménage comes in to repair the damage, a fellow rushes before you to open the elevator and front doors, the bathroom is equipped with bowl, bidet , shower, & a really indecent type of fountain, as well as a toilet. You are [[underline]] absolutely [[/underline]] forbidden to wash out underwear but by dint of taking everything down when we get up & wiping off walls I have washed loads every night. [[strikethrough]] another [[/strikethrough]] This noon I had an embarrassing time. I washed & put up my hair (must do during day due to large curlers) this a.m. and had to descend to lunch with a silk scarf wrapped around my head. When we entered our usual coffee shop (where our favorite luncheon consists of omelette gruyére (a nice cheese) &