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Konapinski was very helpful to Jack and well worth the trip. We also enjoyed seeing the Indiana campus_-a very pleasant hilly one with a big unspoiled (no lawns) woods in the very center of the campus, a very large and comfortable union building. We had a small dinner there and drove back in the night. The Swiss, who had never driven a big American car but who, like most Europeans, wanted one, drove most of the way back with great joy.

I sent off the forestry translation, I already told you, and have also done a bit for Fisher during the first few days here of vacation. We have a big math assignment to do over the holidays so I won't do any more translations until it is over. We finally got our math hour exams back, about four weeks after taking the test. We had given up hope of them. The other classes got them back three days after taking them. I got a low B, which pleased me, and the smart Chinese student who sits next to me got a high B, which displeased him. He is a graduate student, and no graduate student can get more than a couple of C's without flunking out. Most of the class is graduate students, and all want A's and fear they won't get them. She has given almost no homework, hardly ever corrects anything, and grades a little hard. It is her first semester of teaching an advanced course. She has a little boy at home. The class members are rather angry with her.

We have finished "Crime and Punishment". I guess I have read about 1/10 of the book in Russian, or about 50 pages, perhaps a little more. Someday I will finish it. Now we will read excerpts from "Dead Souls", a book which you may remember that Jack is very fond of.

We still haven't bought all of the Christmas presents, namely for Shirley. We asked them all what they wanted and all did not tell, so we still couldn't think up anything for her. We are not going up to Chicago until tomorrow morning, the day before Christmas, and will probably return on Sunday or Monday.

I guess we told you of Jim's bad luck--how an uninsured