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car skidded into his parked car and demolished it? It certainly came at a bad time, just after putting all his money in a new house and while visiting Marguerite at the hospital. He was insured against its loss, of course. As yet we haven't heard what he has done. They have had a very hard year. During the spring snd summer they went to Wisconsin to visit her folks about every other week end, a long hard drive. Her mother had a stroke, you know, and still can't speak.
I will let Jack explain a few things and speak for himself.
First of all, thank you for the socks, the pajamas, the film, and the food. You were very generous, and everything you sent is really appreciated.
Let me explain that peculiar object that arrived from the Edmund Scientific Company. It is a present for Mr. Blake. If a four-inch pipe is driven into the ground, and this object is screwed on top of it, and a large nut and a few washers are provided, it will make a very steady mount for the telescope. I will provide the necessary labor the next time we get to see you.
Doris writes that I am at work settling various points in my mind. To me, this gives the impression that I must be staring off into space, thinking. This is distinctly a wrong impression, since I am laboring grimly and the desk is covered with the (mostly barren) fruits of this labor.
Still no definite word from France, but don't let this worry you. Whatever happens, I am assured of work here until I leave, and arrangements across the ocean between people as peculiar as physicists are liable to go slowly.
Well, again, Merry Christmas and a good holidays!
P.S.: Dad, did you think what that black spanish moss could be?
Doris & Jack