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515 Bash Court 
December 9, 1959

Dear Folks,

Well, the boy just came with the typewriter. We had a couple of adjustments on it. Now it can do half-line spacing and has six new symbols, viz.:
λ Υ ω ~ δ π

Where before we could only use the upper line as subscripts, i.e.

H2O- now we can half-space and use then as superior scripts:

This is all just in the nick of time as Jack has been writing on the thesis for a day or two now and must finish it within a couple of weeks. Fortunately, most of it is already written and will only have to be a little rewritten. By a device or so Jack will be able to prepare both thesis and magazine article at the same time. I will retype it for him during the Christmas vacation, probably.

We sent off your package Monday morning. The post office man said the rush was just beginning. You will receive another package from Edmunds' Salvage Company, which is Dad's present. Unfortunately he will not be able to use it right away but we will explain in the Christmas letter.

Last week end we chose a design for the Christmas card and cut it out and Jack printed up about 30 cards. He will get the rest done off andon and perhaps I will begin to write them up this week end. Unfortunately for the last day or two we have had intestinal grippe and haven't felt very enterprising. But I am feeling better now and Jack is already almost well.

We had a somewhat hectic week end last. Friday night we visited Cedarstrands; Saturday night we went to the annual International Fair; that was a very well prepared affair, which we incidentally have never been to before.

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