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A lot of countries whose students are here -- and a great number of foreign students attend here -- have either a small room or a section in a large one filled with native objects, a surprisingly large number of them, tapestries, statues, pottery, etc. and many pictures. We saw a great many people we knew, both of foreign students and of other folks, among whom was Jack's distant relative whom I met this summer in a math class who had come down from Chicago to take part in the Lithuanian exhibit. There was also a stage show, or several. We saw one featuring Chinese music and dancing, Indian dancers and some Australians, The Chinese singing was certainly peculiar.

On Sunday night we visited the De Pasquali's and had a very good time. Ricky, the wife, served an amazing pastry. She is a very good, European-style cook and also a dressmaker (job during day).

So with all that night life and work during the day I guess we got a bit run down. But now we have not so much fun to look forward to, mainly thesis. This must be finished before the end of the semester, for as you know it will approximately double Jack's salary. I may do rather poorly in my classes because of it but I don't particularly care. I have done so well up to now that my average won't be much dragged down.

By the way, Dad, De Pasquali said that when he and his wife were out west last summer (Wyoming, I think) he saw what looked like black Spanish Moss hanging on and killing the trees. Do you know what that might have been? I believe it hung on conifers. One other question along the plant line. Since my small vine-type house plant was very dusty and dull-looking, I put furniture polish (with silicones) on the upper leaf surfaces. So far no ill effects, but do you think there will be? It was an experiment. I think I used it on a rubber plant before with no ill effects, but the rubber plant is tough.

Well, German class is about to begin so I had better go off to class.



Transcription Notes:
The person writing the letter is Doris, not Louis.