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515 Bash Court
Champaign, Ill.
December 2, 1959

Dear folks,

We didn't have any ankle-deep snow in Chicago, and the roads were perfectly clear, all news reporters to the contrary! We left Sunday night night. Marguerite was progressing very well. She is a very strong, healthy person and recoups quickly. She will begin teaching in a week or two. Grandpa was rather sad in spirit but seemed to enjoy himself if you took extra pains with him. We had the Fred Davises over Sat. night and the Steve Davises on Sunday (I had pot roast). Not much work got done, of course.

Yesterday I sent off the first 8300 words of the Russian article for the government and proceeded to catch up a little in schoolwork. Due to the [[strikethrough]]way[[/strikethrough]] fact that Mrs. Sabotka slipped "Eugene Onegin" (Pushkin) into our course, we are reading "Crime and Punishment", at a frightful rate, mostly in English, altho' some (one at least) member of the class has read much of it in Russian. I read 90 pages of English and 10 of Russian yesterday. But we discuss it in Russian and she lectures in Russian. Most of the class members are Russian teachers (of elementary Russian) and speak much better than I do.

Jack's boss Frauenfelder is by no means

Transcription Notes:
"Eugene Onegin" - written by Pushkin